Under my grandfather’s cherry tree

2 min readJun 24, 2024

A fond memory that makes me feel good whenever I recall it is a glorious cherry tree in my grandpa’s garden.

Although neither my grandpa nor the cherry tree are there any more, the tree is still a strong memory for me, and reminds me that the person who planted it, that is my grandpa, wanted to give his grandchildren something nice and delicious to enjoy for the years to come, when he would no longer be with us…

The tree itself managed to survive, flourish, and give unbelievably tasty cherries for more than four decades.

In all honesty, I’ve never tasted any cherries in my life that were nearly as sweet, crisp, juicy, and fresh as the cherries that I picked and ate straight from the loaded branches of my grandfather’s cherry tree.

On a hot sunny day, I would always find a cool spot under its shade.

In a way, the branches of that tree were like my grandfather’s arms, as he embraced his grandchildren to protect them from the burning sun rays.

The shade of the cherry tree was a good spot for me to play and relax as a little child; something of a “secret” place and my own little corner, where I could unwind and enjoy gracious nature without the need of supervision.

Even today, whenever I think of the cherry tree, I immediately feel a relief, as if I could turn the clock back only for a moment, and get there under the tree’s shade as a little child again.

Originally published at https://ecency.com on June 24, 2024.

