The birth of a baby is a key driving force in economy

2 min readJul 9, 2024

There is a lot of discussion about the driving force behind changes in the economy, and specifically, at a macroeconomic level.

If we accept that change at a macro level is the aggregate result of change at a micro level, every little change that takes place in the life of people ultimately affects how the overall picture is shaped in the economy etc.

And what a major change in the life of people a newborn baby represents!

It goes without saying that the life of the baby’s mother will never be the same after giving birth to. her baby

After all, the mother of baby is the first, and probably the most important, person that the baby will meet in life, without, of course having any intention to downplay the role of the father.

Grandparents, relatives, and friends of the family are just a few more people that are directly affected by a child’s birth.

All of these people recognize the fact that another human being has come to life, and this human being has every right to achieve their full potential in life.

As a result, all of these people are deeply affected, and without even realizing it, do their best to help…

